Monday, November 28, 2011

Pursue Things That Deliver

Link: Pursue Things That Deliver

Make more money and you’ll be happier, get a bigger house and you’ll feel satisfied, buy fancier clothes and people will admire you – the materialist’s mantra. But there is always a…

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I Am A Woman

Link: I Am A Woman

Yes im a female.
I push doors that clearly say pull.
I laugh harder when i try to explain why im laughing.
I walk into a room and forget why i was there.
I hide the pain…

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 26: Everybody’s Changing

Link: Day 26: Everybody’s Changing

It’s only July this year when I learned about this indie band called Keane. Introduced by a friend who’s so into music. I must say that all their songs are the best original songs that I’ve heard…

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 25: Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You

Link: Day 25: Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You

This song plus the late Heath Ledger is superb combination!! Oh boy I fell inlove with this song because of Heath! hahaha

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Side Effects Of Laser Hair Removal

Link: Side Effects Of Laser Hair Removal

It’s generally, unsightly to see ladies grow much hair on exposed parts of the body like the arms, legs, armpits and the bikini area where a few, sticking out crotch hair can be seen. A lot of males…

Never end your day without learning anything.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Be Generous in Giving Praise

Link: Be Generous in Giving Praise

… that it’s a sin to miss an opportunity to bless and to praise another being. When you see another doing something wonderful, or simply being breathtaking, come out of your shell and…

I think not!

Day 19: Iris

Link: Day 19: Iris

The lyrics of this song I plan to have it tattooed on me. But not that soon.. :) First heard this when I watched City of Angels. I fell in love with that movie so as with this song.. :)

D tale of rapunzel teaches one thing about love:

"upclimbing the highest tower is less difficult when someone at d end gives u sumthing to hold on."

Monday, November 14, 2011

So so TRUE!


Yes im a female.
I push doors that clearly say pull.
I laugh harder when i try to explain why im laughing.
I walk into a room and forget why i was there.
I hide the pain from my loved ones.
I say it’s a long story when it really is not, just to get out of having to tell it.
I cry a lot more than you think i do.
I care about people who do not care about me.
And I am strong because i have to be, not because i want to be.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

So now what? Is this fair enough?

I’ll check my FB tomorrow.. For sure iisa lang ang topic. Dismayed. Disappointed! So, until the next day FB! ;)

Manny Paquiao won!

Dirty Ice Cream!

Dirty Ice Cream!

"Being strong doesnt always mean you can handle what’s thrown at you.

It just means you’re prepared to ignore whatever it is that hurts you..”